I am a non-traditional therapist who believes that people deserve to know if they are inadvertently turning off the people in their life. Or if you are stuck in your own head and unable to be present, you need to know how this affects the people in our lives as well. GRITTY THERAPY is not for the faint of heart. While therapy helps you understand how other people see you, it also helps you understand what behaviors and beliefs you have about yourself that no longer serve you. In order to understand yourself better you also need to begin to hear the inner monologue in your head. You need to develop more knowledge about where your mind drifts off to when you are not present with others, such as while you are driving in the car or tossing and turning before bed. Our thoughts can tell us what inner conflicts and unconscious beliefs are running us behind the scenes.

The purpose of therapy is to begin to notice negative patterns that you keep repeating over and over that seem to result in the same outcome. You may begin to realize that you are having the same argument over and over again in your relationships, or that you have had a series of exactly the same relationships repeatedly. This is because nothing changes until you change!!!!!