Therapy should help you examine the way you connect with people and learn why it can be so hard for you to sustain meaningful connections with the people you love. You will start to notice when connection comes easily, versus when you feel stuck in avoidance/irritability and don’t want to connect. Ultimately, our failure at intimate connection comes from our inability to trust love. Unfortunately, dysfunctional families have become the norm and most of us did not have excellent role models when it came to love. I will help you understand what types of communication you need to change to be more effective, feel less lonely and isolated, and better able to feel more present with the people in your life. At the end of therapy you should know and understand yourself better, feel liberated from shame and self loathing and most importantly feel able to change what is not working in your life by having the courage to be honest with yourself. And the best part is that at the end of a positive therapeutic experience you will feel more confident in yourself and better able to be calm in stressful situations.