When you enter therapy you should ask yourself, “what areas of my life and personality do I want to change?” What is it that makes you feel a sense of self-loathing? For example, if you are using alcohol or weed too much, you may be mad at yourself for doing something in excess that is clearly messing with your ability to be present and connect with the people who are close to you. Once you begin to understand your areas for change, you will begin to ask yourself why you keep doing things that you know are not good for you? This includes maintaining various other addictions including porn, over-spending, comfort eating, napping, video games, gambling, TV, and of course social media, technology and providing more attention to our phones than the people around us. And the list goes on!! Continuing to do things that make you feel alone causes you to disconnect from yourself and others. Ultimately we begin to separate ourselves from others because we suffer from intense feelings of disconnection from ourselves and others. Therapy can bring these dark issues into the light.